Sunday, November 13, 2011

PS I finished

By the way, I finished my sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours!  The swim was freezing, could not breathe normally the entire way.  The bike was fun fun; passed a lot of people, played leapfrog with another triathlete, and caught up to my young cousin!  The run was hard, hillier than I ever ran before and really really hot.  The sun was out in full force and it was hot and sweaty and only 8:30 am!  Anyway, I finished in under 2 hours which was a goal.   I really enjoyed it and the training.  The drive was a little long, so I need to find another tri closer to home next year.


Getting back on the exercise and eating right wagon.
The date is set and the goal is set.
I can reach it with diligence, commitment and the alarm clock.

I need to exercise in the morning before work. Otherwise, I will never do it.
Something else fun always comes up in the evenings and or I have a lot less initiative.

So last week...
Monday - Cycling 45 minutes - lifting arms
Tuesday - Swimming with Jennifer.  a good workout and chat with a friend.
Wednesday - Group strength, always more difficult than I expect.
Thursday - Swimming with Jennifer
Friday - Set the alarm and woke up and stayed home.  oops.